10th Russian-Kyrgyz Interregional Conference

P.V. Mutorov, Deputy Chairman of the Committee to Support the President of Russia's Reforms, and R.A. Slobodyan, a financial and investment expert of the Committee, participated in the 10th Russian-Kyrgyz Interregional Conference, which took place on October 11, 2023, in the city of Jalal-Abad.

10th Russian-Kyrgyz Interregional Conference

The conference was an important event for advancing cooperation between Russia and Kyrgyzstan. During the event, issues on economic cooperation, investment, trade and cultural ties between the two countries were discussed. Several agreements and memoranda of understanding were signed during the conference in various fields, including economy, trade, energy, and cultural exchanges.

Deputy Chairman of the Committee P.V. Mutorov expressed confidence that these agreements would contribute to the further strengthening and development of friendly relations between Russia and Kyrgyzstan.

In addition to participating in the plenary session of the conference, Deputy Chairman of the Committee P.V. Mutorov also held a series of meetings and negotiations with the representatives of the Kyrgyz side. During these meetings, specific projects and initiatives aimed at strengthening economic and cultural cooperation were discussed.

The participation of Deputy Chairman of the Committee to Support the President of Russia's Reforms, P.V. Mutorov, in the Russian-Kyrgyz Interregional Conference emphasizes the importance of dialogue and cooperation between the two countries, as well as the aspiration to deepen mutually beneficial relations in various spheres.

12.10.2023 14:10