New stage of the Russian Village project

On December 17, 2021, a working meeting of the delegation of the “Committee for Support of Russian President’s Reforms” with representatives of the administration of the Vachsky municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region was held.

New stage of the Russian Village project

The delegation of the “Committee for Support of Russian President’s Reforms” was headed by the Chairman of the Committee - Galimov Marat Mirzaevich. The delegation included: Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Relations with the UN Mutorov Pavel Viktorovich, expert of the Committee in the field of development and promotion of sports and a healthy lifestyle Oleg Valentinovich Yemelyanov, expert of the Committee for the creation and development of agro-industrial complexes and rural settlements Midov Zamir Mukhamedgerievich. The delegation was received by the Head of the local self-government of the Vachsky municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region Lisin Sergey Viktorovich.

The meeting was devoted to the start of the implementation of the pilot part of the project for the integrated development of rural areas "Russian Village" in the territory of the Vachsky municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region under the signed agreement between the Parties.

The main goals to be achieved at the first stage of the project implementation were discussed, in particular, it was decided to create a multifunctional educational center for targeted training of specialists, whose graduates will form the basis of the personnel core in development areas.

The meeting was held in an atmosphere of live communication and mutual interest.

20.12.2021 16:12