Russian-Turkish Relations: People's Diplomacy in Action

The Chairperson of the International Investment and Business Confederation (ULUSKON) and IHRDC Goodwill Ambassador Ms Nezaket Emine Atasoy announced the appointment of Mr Marat Mirzaevich Galimov as ULUSCON Representative in the Russian Federation.

Russian-Turkish Relations: People's Diplomacy in Action

Mr. Galimov was appointed Representative of ULUSCON in the Russian Federation by the decision of the Board of Directors, the decision on the appointment was published signed by the Chairman, Mrs. Nezaket Emine Atasoy. President Atasoy said that the appointment of Mr. Galimov as a representative is a good step towards future economic activity with Russia. Noting that ULUSCON always strives to promote the investment and export of the Republic of Turkey, which will benefit both countries. Ms Atasoy said: “We wish Mr. Galimov every success in his business life. We believe that this will make a great contribution to the relations between Russia and Turkey. From now on, he has the full right to represent Uluscon in projects and investments that will be implemented on behalf of Uluscon in Russia. "

12.01.2022 10:01